Monday, June 25, 2007

What We Did In June

We went to the beach and Nana and Pop Pop's and visited cousins and celebrated Lucas's second birthday multiple times.

Wren and I followed this up by traveling to the Via Affirmativa conference in St. Paul, MN with our friend Jen. Wren at 4 months has been to five states, the beach, an art museum, and traveled on a dozen airplanes...which probably explains why we both have colds right now.

Wren chillin' at the conference.

My Peeps

I spend so much time with these guys. Good thing they are funny.

Monday, June 04, 2007

double jogger!

I've been waiting for a few months to be able to put Wren in the double jogger and finally get back to jogging/walking faster than a kid in a sling can tolerate. The other day I decided to take both kids out for a spin I think it went pretty well. Lucas picked his side and was excited to have Wren riding next to him. Wren fell asleep soon after I started walking, had a nice nap, and then enjoyed watching Lucas playground from her nice, shaded front-row seat. Get ready for a faster fitter Cris.